Michigan legislature approves $20 million for supportive housing services


In late June, the  Michigan legislature passed a state budget that includes a historic $20 million for supportive services. The funding was championed by Senator Jeff Irwin, Representative Felicia Brabec, the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH), Avalon Housing, and housing and service provider advocates across the state.

“Along with many other supportive housing providers across the state, Avalon Housing works tirelessly to provide high quality services to our residents to help them maintain housing stability and thrive in their community”, said Aaron Cooper, Executive Director at Avalon Housing. “We are ecstatic about the state’s commitment of resources to this cause.”

Read a press release from CSH at https://www.csh.org/2024/06/michigan-legislature-passes-historic-20-million-supportive-housing-services-appropriation/

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